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Exclusive Services


Actor Siaka Massaquoi entered Hollywood with big dreams. However, after witnessing racism firsthand and seeing colleagues lose roles because of their skin color, he began to ask questions.


While Massaquoi viewed Hollywood as the most racist experience of his life, he says if there would be a call to action for anyone in Hollywood, just ask yourself what really matters in your heart. “We have a chance to be  different and if you don’t, you’re going to have to live with that for the rest of your life. You have a chance today, let’s do it.”


About Director Sean Soares


The greater Fresno area has been my home since I was born, and I truly love my town. I was a teacher
for 13 years and have turned my passion for helping kids succeed in school to helping people achieve
their goals of home ownership. We are committed to our community and making a difference of the
lives of those around us!

About Gentle Men

This Mentorship program is for individuals seeking to provide a safe, possibly the first safe, experience with a fatherly figure or big brother in their lifetime. We are seeking qualified, screen volunteers to offer their time to lend an ear, support and empathy as a representation of what a safe, strong man is in this world.


We require all volunteers, Directors and adult participants to acquire and present LiveScan screenings to OurTown prior to completing the application process. This is a requirement; please do not proceed without this vital step in this process.


To find a LiveScan office near you, please entire "livescan in [your state]" into your search engine browser.


There are fees to process LiveScan. Please contact us right away if this cost is prohibitive to you helping our Program. 


This Mentorship Program Reports to a Director
Please submit your professional and volunteer resumes and references to with the subject: GENTLE MEN

Two interviews required; Executive Director or Chairman of Governing Board and the Director of this Program; Skype or Zoom or in-person, if feasible. 


Once we get to this step, we ask that you take one FREE assessment & one FREE online courses:


The Tony Robbins DISC assessment is not a pass/fail - it is to ensure we match personalities to the best of our abilities for all involved in this project.

CLICK HERE TO BEGIN FREE DISC ASSESSMENT; takes approximately 15 minutes


Tim Ballard has a phenomenal organization and we believe in finding needs and filling needs, not reinventing the wheel. Please take this course 

CLICK HERE TO BEGIN OPERATION UNDERGROUND RESCUE'S SIGNS OF TRAFFICKING TRAINING COURSE"; if you're able, please consider making a donation to this course and Tim Ballard's Mission. 


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