Exclusive Services
Julie Marie Miller also known as #JustAskJulie
PROGRAM DIRECTOR OF Be Fucking Kind - a self-advocacy program
With over 32 years of experience Julie brings a vast knowledge base in several industries with well-rounded business acumen. Early in her career a gift for public relations was discovered; she became a parent to three children on the Autism Spectrum and relinquished her career to become a stay at home mom, therapy coordinator and educational advocate for her children. She has successfully acquired two publicly funded private school educations through IDEA for her children, assisted families in filing DOE complaints, put two bad guys in prison and advocated for the rights of others through her ability to read legalese and make big government due their job.
"I have learned the necessary skills of learning to FIGHT WHEN YOU KNOW YOU'RE RIGHT and how to play on the Deepstate's PLayground and beat them at their own games." #HoldMyBeer
About Be Kind
As a former Examiner Writer - Autism & Parenting Examiner of Hollywood, I have learned to embrace my role in life: AGAPE.
My program is to support individuals in real time with real needs under pressure. There's a time for emotions and there's a time for swearing.
I will assist and teach you the gift of SELF-ADVOCACY with my tough love approach to gaining:
IEP services, EAP services, emergency court filings, Emancipation Consultations, rights available to you and how to access them. I will become your Ally and Advocate for as long as you need - just bring along the swear jar.
This Advocacy Program Reports to a Director
Please submit your professional and volunteer resumes and references to julie@ourtownus.org with the subject: GENTLE MEN
Two interviews required; Executive Director or Chairman of Governing Board and the Director of this Program; Skype or Zoom or in-person, if feasible.